* Brazil’s time – (Brasília)

    1st DAY

    October 25, 2023 (Wednesday) – PRESENTIAL – UNINOVE (São Paulo)
    Location: UNINOVE Vergueiro Campus (Auditorium on Floor 1), Rua Vergueiro, 235/249 – Liberdade, São Paulo – SP

    9am to 10am

    XI SINGEP-CIK accreditation and Reception Coffee

    10 am to 10:15 am

    Opening Ceremony
    Prof. Eduardo Storopoli / Prof. Maria Cristina Storopoli (Rector/Pro-Rector of Universidade Nove de Julho).
    Prof. Dr. Nader Asgary (Professor at Bentley University – USA, Director of CIK – Cyrus Institute of Knowledge, and Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the 9th International Conference of CIK).
    Prof. Dr. Cristina Dai Prá Martens (Director of the Postgraduate Program in Project Management of Universidade Nove de Julho, PPGP-UNINOVE, and President of the Organizing Committee of the XI SINGEP).
    Prof. Dr. Priscila Rezende da Costa (Director of the Postgraduate Program in Administration of Universidade Nove de Julho, PPGA-UNINOVE).

    10:15 to 12:00

    Opening Conference:
    ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) Management to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

    Prof. Dr. Carlos Rufin (Professor at Suffolk University – USA)
    Prof. Dr. Arlindo Philippi Junior (Full Professor at the School of Public Health, USP, São Paulo – Brazil).
    Prof. Dr. Majid Kaissar El Ghaib (ESCA Ecole de Management, Casablanca, Morocco)
    Prof. Dr. Isak Kruglianskas (Full Professor FEA/USP, Coordinator of PROGESA – FIA, São Paulo – Brazil).
    Prof. Dr. Nader Asgary (Professor at Bentley University – USA, Director of CIK – Cyrus Institute of Knowledge, and Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the International Conference Cyrus).
    Prof. Dr. Cristina Dai Prá Martens (Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Administration and the Postgraduate Program in Project Management at UNINOVE, and President of the Organizing Committee of the XI SINGEP).

    12h to 2h pm

    Lunch – A brunch will be served by the event organizers

    2h to 4h pm

    Plenary Presentation:
    Artificial Intelligence, Industry 4.0 and Innovation Management Transforming Business

    Prof. Dr. Vasco Furtado (Coordinator of the Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at Universidade de Fortaleza – UNIFOR).
    Prof. Dr. Carla Bonato Marcolin (Coordinator of the Applied Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at Universidade Federal de Uberlândia – UFU).
    Prof. Dr. Amarolinda Iara da Costa Zanela Klein (Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Administration at the School of Management and Business of UNISINOS).
    Kayvon Touran (CEO & Co-Founder |, Maine, USA).
    Prof. Dr. Fernando Antonio Ribeiro Serra (Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Administration and the Postgraduate Program in Project Management at UNINOVE).

    4h to 4h30 pm

    Coffee break

    4h30 to 6h30 pm

    International Doctoral Consortium
    National Coordination: Prof. Dr. Emerson Antonio Maccari (Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Administration and the Postgraduate Program in Project Management at Universidade Nove de Julho, PPGP-UNINOVE).
    Foreign Coordination: Prof. Dr. Nader Asgary (Professor at Bentley University – USA, Director of CIK – Cyrus Institute of Knowledge, and Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the International Conference Cyrus)

    2nd Day

    October 26, 2023 (Thursday) – VIRTUAL

    08h30 to 10h30 am

    Parallel sessions for the presentation of Papers

    08h30 to 10h30 am


    Parallel poster presentation sessions

    10h30 to 10h40 am


    10h40 am to 12h40 pm


    Parallel sessions for the presentation of Papers

    12h40 to 2h20 pm

    Free Interval

    2h20 to 4h20 pm

    Meeting of Editors and Authors: good practices of national and international scientific production

    Prof. Dr. Vânia Jorge Nassif (Professor in the Postgraduate Program in Administration at Universidade Nove de Julho, PPGA-UNINOVE).
    Prof. Dr. Cecilia M. Villas Boas de Almeida – Universidade Paulista (UNIP).
    Vice-Rector of Research and Post-Graduation. Co-Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Cleaner Production – A1.
    Prof. Dr. Edson Aparecida de Araújo Querido Oliveira – Coordinator of the Postgraduate Program in Administration at UNITAU – Universidade de Taubaté. Editor-in-Chief of the Revista Brasileira de Gestão e Desenvolvimento Regional – A1.
    Prof. Dr. Luciano Ferreira da Silva – Professor in the Postgraduate Program in Project Management (PPGP) at Universidade Nove de Julho – UNINOVE. Editor-in-Chief of the Revista de Gestão e Projetos – A4.

    4h20 to 4h30 pm


    4h30 to 6h30 pm

    Parallel sessions for the presentation of Papers

    4h30 to 6h30 pm

    Paper Development Workshop (PDW): Journal Editors
    Prof. Dr. Heidy Rodriguez Ramos (Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Administration at Universidade Nove de Julho, PPGA-UNINOVE, Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Smart and Sustainable Cities at Universidade Nove de Julho, PPGCIS-UNINOVE, and Editor of the Revista RIAE).
    Guest Editors:
    Prof. Dr. Edmilson de Oliveira Lima (Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Administration at Universidade Nove de Julho, PPGA-UNINOVE, and Editor of the Revista PORIUM).
    Prof. Dr. Cristiane Drebes Pedron (Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Administration at Universidade Nove de Julho, PPGA-UNINOVE, Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Project Management at Universidade Nove de Julho, PPGP-UNINOVE, and Editor of the Revista IPTEC).
    Prof. Dr. Priscila Rezende da Costa (Director of the Postgraduate Program in Administration of Universidade Nove de Julho, PPGA-UNINOVE,
    and Editor of the Revista IJI) e Prof. Dr. Isabel Cristina Scafuto (Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Project Management at Universidade Nove de Julho, PPGP-UNINOVE, and Co-editor of the Revista IJI).
    Prof. Dr. José Edson Lara (Professor of the Professional Master’s in Administration at Fundação Pedro Leopoldo, Editor of the Revista Gestão & Tecnologia).
    Prof. Dr. Julio Araujo Carneiro da Cunha (Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Administration at Universidade Nove de Julho, PPGA-UNINOVE, and Editor of the Revista REMARK).
    Prof. Dr. Luciano Ferreira da Silva (Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Project Management at Universidade Nove de Julho, PPGP-UNINOVE, and Editor of the Revista GeP).
    Prof. Dr. Rodrigo Baroni de Carvalho (Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Administration at PUCMinas, and editor of the Revista de Economia Gestão).

    6h30 ás 6h40 pm


    6h40 pm

    Awards for the Best Papers1 of the Event (5 categories2)
    Awards for the Best Theses and Dissertations3 (2 categories4)
    Organization: Prof. Dr. Julio Araujo Carneiro da Cunha (Professor do Programa de Pós-graduação em Administração da Universidade Nove de Julho, PPGA-UNINOVE).

    ¹Criteria adopted for the selection of the best papers of the event: quality, clarity, and writing of the text; timeliness of the paper’s theme; clarity in objectives; methodological adequacy; form of presentation of quantitative or qualitative data; foundation, breadth, and accuracy in relation to the results obtained; and consistency and comprehensiveness of references.
    ²((1) Category ‘Best Scientific Article’, involving the selection of the three best works per theme (project management, innovation and entrepreneurship, sustainability, strategy, marketing, and industry 4.0); (2) Category ‘Best Technical Report’, including the selection of the three best works per theme (project management, innovation and entrepreneurship, sustainability, strategy, marketing, and industry 4.0); (3) Category ‘Best Poster’, involving the selection of the three papers per theme (project management, innovation and entrepreneurship, sustainability, strategy, marketing, and industry 4.0); (4) Category ‘Best Paper of the XI SINGEP’, through selection of the best paper of the event; and finally, (5) Category ‘Merit Distinction’ for the three best evaluators of the event.
    ³Criteria adopted for the selection of the best Theses and Dissertations: the originality of the work; its relevance to the scientific, technological, cultural, social, and innovation development.
    ⁴ ((1) Category ‘Best Dissertation’, involving the selection of the three best dissertations per program (PPGA and PPGP UNINOVE); (2) Category ‘Best Thesis’, involving the selection of the three best theses per program (PPGA and PPGP UNINOVE).

    3rd Day

    October 27, 2023 (Friday) – VIRTUAL
    9am to 10:50pm


    Workshop: “Strategy for Choosing Journals for Submissions in Administration”
    Prof. Dr. Julio Araujo Carneiro da Cunha (Professor at PPGA-UNINOVE).
    10:50am to 11amInterval
    11am to 12:50pm
    Workshop: “Neuroscience in Scientific Research in Management”
    Prof. Dr. Helena Belintani Shigaki (Professor at the Unihorizontes University Center).
    12:50pm to 14pmInterval

    14pm to 15:50pm

    Workshop: “Management of Social Projects and Their Impact on Society”
    Odair Lima (Director of Social Projects at PMI-SP, Mentor for Startups and OSCs).
    Sérgio Martins (CEO of Casa Cultural Dona Antônia, leader of the MG/ES Pole for the training of social leaders at Falcons University).
    15:50pm to 16pm Interval

    16pm to 17:50


    Workshop: “Use of Artificial Intelligence in Scientific Research in Management”
    Prof. Dr. Ricardo Limongi (Professor at PPGADM/UFG and PPGADM/UFU).
    Prof. Dr. Leonardo Vils (Professor at PPGP-UNINOVE).

    17:50pm to 18pm



    Closing of the XI SINGEP-CIK