
  • To compete for the award, the author(s) of the approved work must opt, at the time of submission, for the complete publication in the annals of the SINGEP.

    Criteria adopted for the selection of the best works of the event:

    • quality, clarity, and wording of the text;
    • topicality of the theme of the work;
    • clarity in objectives;
    • methodological adequacy;
    • the form of presentation of quantitative or qualitative data;
    • basis, breadth, and correction in view of the results obtained and;
    • consistency and comprehensiveness of references.

    *Criteria adopted for the selection of the best Theses and Dissertations:

    • originality of the work;
    • relevance to scientific, technological, cultural, social, and innovation development.

    (*Modality restricted to students of the Graduate Programs organizing the event. The Theses and Dissertations defended in the year prior to the event will be considered. The evaluation of this work will be the responsibility of an internal committee of each program).

    Award categories:

    (1) Category “Best Scientific Article,” involving the selection of the best work in each theme (project management, innovation and entrepreneurship, sustainability, strategy, and marketing);

    (2) Category “Best Technical Report”, encompassing the selection of the best Technical Report of the event;

    (3) “Best Poster” category, involving the selection of the best Poster of the event;

    (4) Category “Best Technical/Technological Product Report – PTT”, encompassing the selection of the best PTT of the event.

    (5) Category “Best Work of XI SINGEP” by selecting the best work of the event;

    (6) Category “Distinction of Merit” for the three best evaluators of the event.

    (7) Category “Best Dissertation,” involving the selection of the three best dissertations of the programs organizing the event (PPGA and PPGP UNINOVE);

    (8) Category “Best Thesis,” contemplating the selection of the three best theses of the programs organizing the event (PPGA and PPGP UNINOVE).