*Brasilia time (Brazil)


Time*October 23, 2024 (Wednesday)
9h30Online accreditation – XII SINGEP-CIK
10h00 – 10h30Opening Ceremony and Welcoming Remarks (broadcast by ESCA Morocco ESCA Marrocos)
10h30 – 12h30SINGEP-CIK-CCLF Opening Plenary: Collaborative Pathways for Climate Action (transmissão da ESCA Marrocos)

Coordination and Debate:
Dina Abdel Fattah (Assistant Professor in Economics, School of Business, The American University in Cairo, Egypt)
Majid K. El Ghaib (Professor of Management, Director of the Social Innovation and Sustainability research group, ESCA Ecole de Management, Marrocos)
Sherwat Elwan Ibrahim (Professor of Operations Management, School of Business, The American University in Cairo, Egypt)
Alex Kolker (Climate Scientist, Oceanographer, and Geologist, USA)
Reza F. Saidi (MD, FICS, FACS, Associate Professor of Surgery, Upstate Medical University of New Yord, USA)
12h30 – 13h30Free break
13h30 – 15h00Forum of Editors and Authors: Impact, Open Science, and Internationalization

Coordination and Debate:
Priscila Rezende da Costa (Director of the Graduate Program in Administration, PPGA-UNINOVE, and Professor of the Graduate Program in Project Management, PPGP-UNINOVE).

Leonardo Augusto de Vasconcelos Gomes (Associate Editor of TECHNOVATION, Editor-in-Chief of IMR, and Professor at USP)
Edmundo Inácio Junior (Editor-in-Chief of REGEPE and Professor at UNICAMP)
15h00 – 15h15Break / Networking in online rooms
15h15 – 17h15Parallel Paper Presentation Sessions
17h15 – 18h45Parallel PTTs (Technical-Technological Products) Presentation Sessions
17h15 – 18h45Parallel Poster Presentation Sessions


Time*October 24, 2024 (Thursday)
8h45 – 10h15Plenary: Scientific Research and Impact on Society: Contributions to Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals

Coordination and Debate:
Fernando Antonio Ribeiro Serra (Professor of the Graduate Program in Administration – PPGA-UNINOVE, and Professor of the Graduate Program in Project Management – PPGP-UNINOVE).

Edna Frasson de Souza Montero (President of ABEC – Brazilian Association of Scientific Editors) André Jun (Emerald Publishing)
Thais Vick and Fernanda Gusmão (Elsevier)
10h15 – 10h30Intervalo / Networking em salas online
10h30 – 12h30SINGEP-CIK-CCLF Plenary: Climate Change: A Global Perspectives (transmissão da ESCA Marrocos)

Coordination and Debate: Nader Asgary (Professor of Management at Bentley University, President of CIK)

Panelists: Petros Koutrakis (Professor of Environmental Sciences, Department of Environmental Health, Harvard T.H. Chad, Harvard University, EUA)
Barrak Alahmad (Research Fellow – Exposure, Epidemiology & Risk (EER) Program Environmental Health Department, T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Harvard University, USA)
Carlos Rufín (Professor of Strategy and International Business, Affiliated Professor of Public Service, Chair of Public Service and Healthcare Administration, Director, Master of Public Administration and Master of Healthcare Administration Program, Suffolk University, USA)
Luis Felipe Nascimento (Professor of Management and Sustainability, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil)
12h30 – 13h30Free break
13h30 – 15h30Parallel Paper Presentation Sessions
13h30 – 15h30International Doctoral Consortium

National Coordination: Emerson Antonio Maccari (Professor of the Graduate Program in Administration – PPGA-UNINOVE, and Professor of the Graduate Program in Project Management – PPGP-UNINOVE).

International Coordination: Nader Asgary (Professor at Bentley University – USA, Director of the CIK – Cyrus Institute of Knowledge, and Chair of the Organizing Committee for the 12th CIK International Conference).
15h30 – 15h45Break / Networking in online rooms
15h45 – 17h45Parallel Paper Presentation Sessions
15h45 – 17h45Paper Development Workshop (PDW) with Journal Editors
17h45 – 18hBreak / Networking in online rooms
18h00Awards Ceremony: Awards for the Best Works[1] of the Event (6 categories[2]) Best Thesis and Best Dissertation Award[3] (2 categories[4])

[1]Criteria adopted to select the best works at the event: quality, clarity and writing of the text; current nature of the work theme; clarity of objectives; methodological adequacy; way of presenting quantitative or qualitative data; basis, breadth and correction in relation to the results obtained; and consistency and comprehensiveness of references.   

[2](1) Category “Best Scientific Article”, involving the selection of the best work on each topic (project management, innovation and entrepreneurship, sustainability, strategy and marketing); (2) Category “Best Technical Report”, including the selection of the best technical report of the event; (3) “Best Poster” category, involving the selection of the best poster of the event; (4) Category “Best Technical/Technological Product Report – PTT”, including the selection of the best PTT of the event; (5) Category “Best Work of the XII SINGEP”, by selecting the best work of the event; and, finally, (6) “Distinction of Merit” Category for the three best evaluators of the event.

[3]Criteria adopted for selecting the best Theses and Dissertations: originality of the work; its relevance for scientific, technological, cultural, social and innovation development.

[4](1) “Best Dissertation” Category, involving the selection of the three best dissertations per program (PPGA and PPGP UNINOVE); (2) “Best Thesis” category, including the selection of the three best theses per program (PPGA and PPGP UNINOVE).

October 24, 2024 (Thursday)

Time*October 25, 2024 (Friday)
9h00 – 10h45Workshop: “Analysis of Necessary Conditions: Understanding What Is Sufficient and What Is Necessary in Our Models”

Luis Alberto Figueiredo de Sousa (Solvi Consulting and Business Management, Master’s in Administration from PPGA UNINOVE) and Juliana Ribeiro Garcia Donzelli (Doctoral Candidate at PPGA UNINOVE)
10h45 – 11h00Break / Networking in online rooms
11h00 – 12h45Workshop: “Paths to a Sandwich PhD and Research Internationalization”

Daiane Tretto da Rocha (Professor at UFRR, Doctoral Candidate at PPGA-UNINOVE); Daniela Cíntia de Carvalho Leite Menezes (Professor at UFPB, and Doctoral Candidate at PPGA-UNINOVE); and Edicley Machado (Sales Enablement & Engineering Manager at Omron Automation and Doctoral Candidate at PPGP-UNINOVE).
12h45 – 14h00Free break
14h00 – 15h45Workshop: “Prospecting in Patent Databases”

Camila Naves Arantes (Doctoral Candidate at PPGA UNINOVE) and Katia Tregnago Cunha (Instructor in the Specialization Course in Intellectual Property Expertise at UFRGS, Consultant in the area of Industrial Property, and Doctoral Candidate at PPGA UNINOVE).
15h45 – 16h00Break / Networking in online rooms
16h00 – 17h45Workshop: “Decision Making and Uncertainty: Management Modeling with Monte Carlo Simulation”

Wanderson Dutra Gresele (Professor at UNIOESTE, and Doctoral Candidate at PPGA UNINOVE).
17h45 – 18h00Break / Networking in online rooms
18h00Closing of the XII SINGEP-CIK