Scientific Paper

Template: The use of the template is mandatory. Files submitted in other formats or that do not use the submission template will not be considered for review. You can download the submission template here.

The scientific article must contain at least eight (8) and a maximum of sixteen (16) pages, including abstract, illustrations, references and end notes.

Suggested structure for scientific paper:

Content of the first page of the paper:

• Title: capital letters, centered
• Resumo: In Portuguese, justified text, Times New Roman, font size 12, single spacing (between characters, words and lines), at least 100 and at most 200 words. It should contain objectives, methodology, key findings and conclusions.
• Palavras-chave: at least three (3), a maximum of five (5).
• Abstract: must be registered in the same parameters of the abstract in Portuguese.
• Keywords: must be registered in the same parameters of the keywords in Portuguese.

Content of the second page of the work on (textual part):

• Introduction (containing theme, research problem and objectives)
• Theoretical Background
• Methodology
• Analysis of the Results
• Conclusions / Final Remarks
• References