Presentation Guidelines

The papers will be presented in oral sessions or exhibition posters.

Scientific papers and technical reports will be presented in oral sessions:

• Each session will have a coordinator whose function is to present the authors, track time and organize the discussion of the paper;
• Each work will be presented in no more than 15 minutes. After the last presentation, the coordinator of the session will promote a debate.
• The presentation should be in PowerPoint and the presentation format is free. Presenters should attend the room with at least ten (10) minutes prior to the beginning of the session.
• It is requested that the authors bring their presentations on a USB device. It is suggested that as a form of backup, the presentations will also be sent to the email of the author.

Posters will be presented in a special session of exhibition posters.

• The poster must be delivered in advance on the room where the presentation session will occur;
• At least one of the authors should remain with the poster, all the while the session to answer questions from the evaluators and other researchers.
• A panel for attachment to each poster will be provided.
• It is mandatory that the poster title on the poster is identical to the title of the work submitted to the event.