To submit a poster, the prospective authors must send an abstract containing: Title, Context, Objectives, Methods, Theoretical Framework, Results, Conclusions and References.
Formatting a poster, the author is requested to strictly conform to the template provided here:(click here to download).
Submitted posters not conforming to the above template will be excluded.
Poster Instructions
In case your abstract is accepted, the author must fabricate the poster conforming to the template. (click here to download).
Submitted posters not conforming to the above template will be excluded.
The accepted poster must have the following characteristics:
The size of the poster must be 90 cm in width x 120 cm in height.
The text must be legible to a distance of at least 1 meter. Font must be size 72 at least for the Title and size 28 for the content.
Each poster will be exhibited for one day of the event.
At least one of the authors of the poster is required to be present during the whole session at their poster stands to explain the contents of the poster.
The title of the poster must be exactly the same as the one submitted.
It is forbidden to present: (i) a poster without the template of the event; (ii) with computer, microphone or any other electronic equipment that may disturb the session.
Suggested structure:
Title; Authors’ names; Institutions; City/State; Research.
Using minimal text and maximum figures, photos, tables and possible schemes.
Must present context, objectives, methods, results, conclusions and references.
Organize the information so that the central ideas of the research to be easily seized and use all available resources for the poster arouse the interest of public.